Filming of dynamic

scenes for cinema

& commercial

based in Moscow

SECOND UNIT is the name of our team. We have united our efforts to create a high-quality service for dynamic filming of auto and action scenes in cinema and advertising. We work both on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow Region, and in the regions of the Russian Federation. We are always for a quality approach and customer service, our priority is to complete the task and then go to lunch. The most important advantage over all similar systems in Russia is that our system and the car were tested and registered with all the modifications and is special. transport. 100% Guaranteed shift.
Съемка динамических

и рекламы
Базируемся в МОСКВЕ
We have combined our efforts to create a high-quality service for dynamic shooting of cars and action scenes in movies and advertising.
Second Unit is based in Moscow, which is an important logistical reference point of Russia. Our team is formed of specialists with great experience in the advertising and cinema, which is united by a great love for cars. We like to present camera movement as an art form, so you can imagine how passionate we are about our activities!
Our company works on the principle of an individual approach to each client. This method allows to solve the problems of any level successfully.
The Second Unit team has thought about every detail for maximum mobility. Within a day, we are ready to arrive anywhere in world to implement your ideas and tasks. Let's see what we have.
ULTRA ISOLATOR is a compact, lightweight and durable
3-axis damping system designed to work in motion. The patented SRB mount is installed in the regular place of the towing hook of any car and is reinforced with rods and powerful suction cups.
ULTRA ISOLATOR is a compact, lightweight and durable
3-axis damping system designed to work in motion. The patented SRB mount is installed in the regular place of the towing hook of any car and is reinforced with rods and powerful suction cups.
ULTRA ISOLATOR is a compact, lightweight and durable
3-axis damping system designed to work in motion. The patented SRB mount is installed in the regular place of the towing hook of any car and is reinforced with rods and powerful suction cups.
Inspire 2 paired with the X7 camera is one of the most powerful tools for shooting from the air. DJI Inspire 2 - flight time is 27 minutes. DJI X7 camera. Video: 6K CinemaDNG. DJI 16mm F2.8 and DJI 50mm F2.8 lenses.
ULTRA can be installed on any type of transport you can think about: cars, trucks, boats, UTV ATVs, whatever. In combination with the patented INS stabilization system, UlTRA ARM allows you to accurately adjust the boom and hold the correct angle on any surface.
Read the technical presentation.
You can consider the possibilities and determine
all the technical data of our equipment.
our. advantages
The most important advantage among all such systems is a specially prepared Mercedes ML car for Ultra Arm. We have been certified and registered the car as a special vehicle. The crane installed has a permit traveling the roads and can move safely without the risk of disruption of the shift.
ULTRA ARM is the first 12-foot crane that can be transported as an air cargo. This adaptability allows to bring a new standard of availability of filming in your country and anywhere in the world.
The entire Ultra Arm system is assembled with a single hex key and configured in less than 30 minutes. Thanks to this, we effectively use the time of the entire film crew.

For creative inspiration and more productive preparation of a shooting plan, writing a treatment, we have allocated a separate resource with references. Even on the set, the director/cameraman and I turned to this base. It is always available in the operation and is performed with the addition of references.

Ultra arm

  • Operator car
  • Staff 4 people
  • ULTRA ARM System
  • Vibroisolation Flowcine
  • MOVI XL gimbal
  • Full tank of fuel
  • technical vehicle
  • INTERCOM system, monitors


  • Operator car
  • Staff 2 persons
  • isolator + SRB & Grip system
  • MOVI XL gimbal
  • Full tank of fuel
  • INTERCOM system, monitors

Inspire 2 x7

  • Staff 2 persons
  • DJI Inspire 2
  • Camera - X7
  • Optics - 16mm and 50mm
THE SECOND UNIT TEAM are for safe, professional and comfortable activities. We have listed recommendations for cooperation and the cost of our services.
Based in Moscow
+7 (999) 833-67-27
+7 (987) 233-91-37
Social media